This site is dedicated to developing mathematical minds!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

If I only had a Brain!

Watching the Wizard of Oz, made me think of something that each and eveyone one of us goes through. A lack of self belief. We go through life doubting ourselves and thinking that something or someone outside ourselves is what will take us to that special place, and change what we are feeling. And although it is true that something outside of us can inspire and remind us,  it is within us that all is possible and all is whole.

How does this relate to mathematics???.... An infinite number of examples could be posed, but I am refelcting on the teaching aspect of math. My job is not only to convey concepts to students and help them explore the fundamentals of Math. My most important job is the motivational part. I have to help the students believe that they can and will succeed in our class. It comes from the way we offer questions and give answers. All has to come from a place where the student understands that they are the ones figuring out the problems posed.

So students, know that you can and you will discover the way to your answers!