This site is dedicated to developing mathematical minds!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Fraction Fun Run!!!

For years I have been running at this local park. Over the last few days I discovered that as I was running, I stated adding, subtracting, and computing equivalent fractions in my head as a gained distance. It became a game to me and kept my mind off the fact that I was running. You see, I know that two laps around equaled a whole mile. As the first lap finished I realized I was half done. As I continued to run, I kept chunking my fractions in relation to the mile and saw that the track visually broke up nicely into fourths. My body was getting more tired coming into the third mile and I started to notice that each fourth of the lap could be broken up in half by a conveniently placed tree or trashcan. The comparisons kept evolving; from the mile,  to the lap, and my total run, I was fraction machine.  Soon I was counting down from 16ths to 8ths, 4ths and halves. People say that when you run, you go into a zone. I seem to go into an endless zone of calculations.

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